Healthy Thanksgiving Resources for Parents
Posted on Nov 20, 2015 by Maggie LaBarbera
Friday Finds to Nourish Your Day:
It’s Friday and we are happy to share these resources and materials to help you promote Thanksgiving foods to nourish the children in your lives!
Here is a video that the Voice of Agriculture produced that discuss the cost of foods. I hope you enjoy this. Below the video are some Thanksgiving resources
Thanksgiving Printables
Holiday Eating Tips
Holiday Thanksgiving Recipes with kids cooking steps built in
Parenting Articles for Thanksgiving
10 Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving
According to the Calorie Control Council, the average American will consume more than 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. The average Thanksgiving dinner is an easy way to put on unwanted pounds. Here are 10 tips for a healthy Thanksgiving that will keep your family happy, and your body healthy!
Cooking A Turkey Using Food Safety Guidelines
A healthy holiday meal includes following food safety guidelines. Enjoy a healthy Thanksgiving meal with the family with our simple step by step guide to a germ-free Thanksgiving.
Dealing with Diabetes during Thanksgiving!
Managing your child’s diabetes can be a challenge, especially during the holidays! Paying extra attention to what is being served to your child during Thanksgiving, and providing appropriate portions of carbohydrates and other food groups is important to help keep their blood sugar under control.
Planning Tips For Busy Parents During Thanksgiving
7 steps to a stress free Thanksgiving. Easy family Thanksgiving planning tips to simplify Thanksgiving and manage tasks. Reduce stress of preparing for Thanksgiving with our tips and ideas. Plan a stress free Thanksgiving guide for busy parents.
Healthier Thanksgiving Meal
Fun family nutrition- easy Healthy Thanksgiving ideas! Easy healthy shopping ideas, healthy meal planning, nutrition facts and more! Steps to creating a healthy and delicious feast for the family.
Thanksgiving Portion Control Tips For The Family And Avoid Overeating
Follow these 9 tips to avoid overeating during the family Thanksgiving meal. Discover Thanksgiving healthy portion control and eating tips for avoiding overeating on the Thanksgiving holiday